24 October 2008

A lull before the Storm!

Tomorrow, I was hoping to get over for the last week of the season. However, the forecast is telling us that with winds up to Force 8-9, that we won't be sailing. Monday looks more likely.

Birds this morning - Arctic Skua, Bonxie, a Med. Gull, Arctic Tern and 2 Short-eared Owls.

Our boatman, Colin, is getting married tomorrow and is then on his honeymoon for a week so it will be Dafydd who will be taking us over when the winds drop.

My apologies for being a little behind with the bird news but we have just returned from a week in Scotland (not really birding). I was hoping the hotel would have wireless and I could have taken the laptop and posted news from the island. However, they hadn't yet made wireless available to visitors at the hotel we stayed at so my laptop stayed at home this time. One day, Steve will be able to post the news direct from the island - until then you will have to bear with me.

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